Thursday, October 1, 2009

Blog #1-- online learning

This is my first online class and I have to say that it is very different than in a live class. On one hand I like some of the aspects of an online class including the fact that you can do your work at your own pace on your own time, the fact that you do not have to do all your work in one sitting, and the fact that is fun to use the computer for most of the class work. On the other hands there are some downsides as well to having an online class. I have found that I tend to put off the work until later in the week because it seems like I will have more time to do it and sometimes that is just not true. Also there are times when I sometimes forget that I have homework/classwork for the class because I am so used to actually attending a live class. Overall, I have had a good experience with my first online class, it just takes discipline; I could see myself possibly taking another online class in the future.

1 comment:

  1. I think a lot of students have difficulty with procrastination in an online class. I have gone through that as well. My strategy is to schedule times each week that would be equivalent to being in a physical class. So, right now, i have 4 hours scheduled and I'll read and respond to blog entries for everyone in ED 205. I suspect that this will take me over 3 hours, but it's on my calendar and as long as I don't get distracted then I'll knock this task out here on Tuesday. If students could schedule time on Tuesday to read through readings and get started on discussions then scheduling some more time on Wednesday and Thursday would finish up discussions. But actually building time into your weekly schedule seems to be a key to successfully completing an online course without always feeling rushed and behind because of the flexibility. Good luck.
